Letter from the Administrator
The facility has implemented a new Quality Assurance Performance Improvement plan abbreviated as QAPI. The purpose of the QAPI Committee is to assess areas in the facility that have decline or continue to need improvement. One example of current QAPI Project is to improve resident satisfaction with our food. We are presenting new and different available items to our Resident Council due to facility receiving from our residents regarding lack of choice with food and not wanting always what is on the menu. The QAPI Project will consistent of administration, nursing administration, dietary, and C.N.A.’s on the floor to determine if the changes we are making improves our resident dining experience over the quarter. I personally as Administrator feels there is always room to improve the care and services at our facility and our residents are worth it!
I also wanted to announce a new nursing administrative team member, Tijuana Duncan, RN. Tijuana joined our team in January as our Staff Development Coordinator. Tijuana has over 25 years of long-term care experience including Director Nursing, RN Supervisor, and Nursing Program Manager. Tijuana is also a certified Red Cross CPR trainer and is certified to team Methods of Instruction to certify nursing assistants. Tijuana lives in Breckinridge County with one daughter who followed in her mom’s foot steps and recently completed her RN degree. Tijuana is a key part of our QAPI plan, and her role will be to educate and development the nursing team to support the DON and improvements within the facility. We are very blessed to have Tijuana as part our team. I look forward to sharing her knowledge and watching the development of our employees. Please take a moment to introduce yourself and welcome her to our facility. In Her pass time she enjoys attending church and serves as Choir Director. Tijuana also is very engaged with her family and quality time with them as often as she can.
Angela Decker