
Letter from the Administrator

The facility is excited about at least some progress general renovations in the facility and will continue to make improvements as our budget allows. Please complete a resident concern form or contact me directly at the facility 270-422-2148 if you have maintenance concern so we can resolve as soon as possible. We want to invite residents and families to participate in the following upcoming events in October and November:

  1. Brandenburg Nursing and Rehab is supporting Meade Moves Daddy and Children’s Day Out on October 11th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Buttermilk Falls River Entrance for Hay Rides and Hot Dogs.
  2. The facility will host Halloween Community Trick or Treat from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Halloween October 31st, 2018. All candy donations appreciated. Please bring to the front office or Activity Office.
  3. Baby Show hosted by Brandenburg Nursing and Rehab on November 6, 2018 at 2pm in the dining room for Sammy Fuqua, C.N.A. and Katie Bennett, LPN. Both said diapers and wipes would be greatly appreciate size 1’s and 2’s. Sammy is having a girl and Katie will know soon but neutral colors are fine.

As always thank you for allowing the opportunity to care for you or your loved one.


Angie Decker


Categories: newsletter