Make Today Awesome!

When you get up each morning, try smiling and saying to yourself, “this is going to be an awesome day.” This is known as the power of affirmation! Studies have shown that positive thoughts can positively affect our mood.
On March 10, National Day of Awesomeness, take a moment to think about the things in your life you are grateful for. It can be easy to think only about things you wish you had or wish you could do, but it’s important to reflect on the things that make us happy every day, so we do not take them for granted. If you struggle with this, try bringing a note pad with you today to write down anything that makes you smile. Noticing in the moment is also a great way to appreciate all the awesome things that happen every day.
The next step is connecting with loved ones. Whether it is an old or new friend, make an effort to make plans for the upcoming week. If you cannot be with them physically, a simple phone call or video call can brighten up your day.
Find inspiration for what you can do for someone else. Think about the people in your life that elevate you, and what you can do to make their lives a little better. An uplifting note or a small gift might brighten up their day. Our friends and loved ones are precious to us, and by taking the time to acknowledge them we also can share in the amazing feeling of our friendship.
Finally, do something awesome for yourself to feel rejuvenated and excited for tomorrow. Whether it is scheduling time for a favorite hobby or trying out an interesting or healthy new food, doing something for yourself can also have a positive impact on overall mood.