Letter from the Administrator
I wanted to update everyone on some operational changes that will be occurring in the last quarter of 2019. The facility will be decertifying the personal rooms on B Hall and converting those rooms to private Medicare Suites for short rehab patients and will also convert one into a private palliative care room so families have more space and privacy to visit or spend the night with their loved one. The facility needs to be more competitive to try to increase our reimbursement which will allow us to continue to make improvements to the facility and support the increase in restorative nursing programs and training for our employees. Please encourage your friends and neighbors to come to Brandenburg Nursing and Rehab if they have short rehab needs. We have over 70 employees at the facility and keeping dollars in our community is important for all of us. We have some exciting activity and family events planned for the remainder of the year please watch your calendars. We would to invite residents and family members to participate in our first “Trunk or Treat” event on Halloween from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. with prizes and bragging rights for the best-decorated trunk!
We also are hosting a family Thanksgiving Dinner week of Thanksgiving to show our appreciation and to share a wonderful meal together with you and your family.
I hope everyone can attend.
Angela Decker,