Letter from the Administrator
I would like to thank all the residents and families who completed our recent Customer Service Satisfaction Survey. Your feedback is very important to us and allows us to continue the process of continuous improvement and focus on areas that our residents value.
I’m excited to announce that we have hired a new Unit Manager for A Hall. Rachel Alexander, LPN, joined our nursing administration team in August. Rachel has 18 years of nursing experience along with experience as a Social Worker and Admissions Director at Saint Mary and Elizabeth Hospital in Louisville. Rachel actually started her nursing career at our facility 18 years ago after graduating from Spencerian College in 2001. Rachel is married and had one child but recently she and her husband adopted two additional children due to the tragic accident in her husband’s family so now they are a family of 5. Please take a moment to introduce yourself to Rachel if you haven’t already. The facility continues to work on physical plant improvements and is currently working on getting the floors replaced in the hallways. I would like to remind our families we always have volunteer opportunities available if you would like to share your special talent with our residents. We truly appreciate the opportunity to care for you and your loved ones at our facility.
Angela Decker