
Celebrate Native American Heritage Month this November!

Native American Head dress with dark brown and white feathers adorned with teal beading

Did you know? Native American Heritage Month and Native American Heritage Day (on the 27th) both fall in November.

Today there are approximately 326 total reservations in the United States. Some of these reservations were originally remnants of native tribesā€™ lands, while others were created by the federal government for Native Americans who were forcibly removed from their lands.

Many reservations welcome visitors and have created museums, like the Museum of the Cherokee Indian in North Carolina, to educate the wider public about Native American history and culture. We can also learn more about Native American history and culture online and in our local libraries.

Here are a few ways you can support Native Americans Heritage Month:

  • Educate yourself. Learn about Native American history and culture. Tommy Orange, Louise Erdrich, Stephen Graham Jones and Joy Harjo are among the many Native American authors celebrated for their works.
  • Support Native American-owned businesses and charities. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are just around the corner! Purchasing products and goods from Native American-owned businesses is a great way to support their communitiesā€™ economic wellbeing.
  • Consider making a donation. There are many environmental, economic, education, health and rights groups that work to strengthen and empower Native American communities.
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